Yacon [SMALLANTHUS SONCHIFOLIUS (Poeppig & Endliger) H. Robinson]: yield of Biomass under climatic conditions In the czech republic



In this project we focused on the yield of tuberous roots, rhizomes and above ground parts (leaves and stalks) of four yacon ecotypes grown under climatic conditions in the Czech Republic. Differences among various ecotypes, as well as within the same ecotype respectively, were found. Yield of tuberous roots may reach up to 2.40 kg per plant (i.e. 48.98 tons per ha), rhizomes 1.40 kg per plant (28.57 t. per ha) and above ground part 2.65 kg per plant (54.08 t. per ha). An average growing reason was 159 days.
Results of several years research of growing yacon in the Czech Republic confirms, that the plant might be grown under the conditions of the Czech Republic. Regarding to its taste characteristics yacon could become an interesting accesory mainly for diabetics nutrition, which share in the Czech Republic is approx. 6 percent of population; as well as for overweight people.

Key words:
yacon; Smallanthus sonchifolius; yield; ecotyp; utilization; crop cultivation.

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