IAALD1 is an association of people working in the field of agricultural information. The term of the IAALD congress, held regularly every five years, and the term of the USAIN2 biennial conference met in 2005 and organising committees decided to hold them jointly. The theme of the XIth World Congress IAALD and the Biennial USAIN Conference was "Globalisation of Information: Agriculture at the Crossroads". Two hundred participants came from 29 countries. The contributors were librarians of agricultural universities and research institutes as well as information specialists of international organisations, for instance FAO3, WAICENT4, CGIAR5, INFITA6, INASP7, and others that are providers and/or coordinators of information sources and services. The IAALD associates members from both developed and developing countries. The aims of developed countries are to improve technologies, to provide and exchange information faster and at the required quality. For developing countries, the most important is that information can fight against hunger. One of the possibilities of help is providing of free or very cheap access to agricultural full texts in databases such as AGORA, TEEAL, DOAJ, and others. The example of propagating research results of developing countries is AJOL database that was created by INASP to propagate articles published in African scientific journals.

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